BD56 - Maintain IDOC Segment Filters. But when Iam trying to run the logic in WE19 mode I find that the idoc Oct 23, 2007 · There are a number of reasons to get entries in SM58. Jun 9, 2011 · reprocess errors with cofc ?? I have some cats records which had of the time of entering nog a valid costcenter assignment. This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Outbound idocs not sent. If this status takes longer than a few minutes, check the status of the update or the update requests using transaction SM13. in the next window click on any field of the row and right click. HTML heading in ALV. SMQ2. Click the Execute button or press F8. Hello, There are many queues under transactional RFC (SM58) what should i do? Can i delete the Queue's or execute that? What is the mean of Execute LUW's and Debug LUW's ,when we wil use it. Feb 17, 2009 · Yes, sometime it happens, in outbound system it is 03 status , but data is not recievd in inbound system. Nov 28, 2008 · Hi All, Most of the time in our production server, lots of messages say more than 1 lakh, stuck in Inbound queue and we have to manually reprocess all the messages in SMq2 to make queue empty. However the IDoc contains inconsistent/incorrect segments, or the follow-on documents are incorrect. a) If its system failure , check if the receiver system us running or any issue with the receiver system. · SMQ1 - qRFC Monitor for the outbound queue. May 31, 2010 · BD87 you can reprocess the IDOC with the same data and if there are any validation checks failing due to the table data, Ideally maintain the data and reprocess the IDOC. the Idoc has status 03,but stuck in SM58 with 'transaction processing' status. This can be done in info package settings and then load. But I would like to find out why these errors keep coming. then click on EXECUTE LUW in the pop down menu or press F6. Hi, I have a very huge records with “Transaction Recorded" status stucked in SM58 in ERP system recently. So there should Mar 17, 2010 · Hi , Please follow these steps: 1) open the message in sys failure in SMQ2, check what is the issue. How will we clear this queue and replicate idoc in XI/PI system Use. Note that the qRFC component itself never blocks a queue. Apr 28, 2014 · You can try to re-rpocess these IDOCs via BD87, if they fail again - check SM58 and then check. (Or if there is a short-dump when the receiving system tries tro process the call I think). Sep 1, 2016 · Could you please share the reason why you restarting the workflow which is in process, this is correct standard scenario : when user apply leave request workflow will be in-progress & waiting for manager approval. Moreover, you cannot send the IDOC with the same number as the table EDIDC(control record) table the key field in IDOC No. Select the option for the Outbound scenario and the Queued unit type. Former Member. Oct 14, 2015 · IDOC stuck in SM58 queue with status text "An IDocException occurred". Call transaction SM58 ( Tools Administration Monitoring Transactional RFC ). It asks to login into the source system. Feb 4, 2023 · TRFC records can be deleted directly from SM58 (Log file / Reorganize) tcode SM58, make the selection as per your requirement and then execute. So if any data packet is stuck in the source system, then you can basically see that from this transaction and take the necessary action to push it through. 2658803 - "IDoc is still being processed" and IDocs in "status 64". Sep 25, 2020 · Recent bug note on RSEOUT00: 2747015 – IDoc: Locks in IDoc outbound processing. But you cannot change the IDOC data. 0 Kudos. 20 doesn’t have inbuilt functionality to reprocess failed asynchronous messages. Open WE19 transaction. FM MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE causes idoc to stay in status 30. There are some entries hung in t/qRFC. BD21 - Select Change Pointer. Jan 9, 2024 · This blog post explains the simple process of analysis and resolve queue that was stuck due to the same batch of material pulled from the different vendor. Calls with Communication Errors - CPICERR Jul 10, 2008 · BD52 - Activate change pointer per change. Icons in sap. Recently we faced one problem, R3 link is down for a few seconds and some of the Idoc's failed to go out of SAP (Idoc is green but did not get sent out of SAP)the system says that the "Data passed to port OK". To delete, select the Idoc status in the tree and click EDIT -> RESTRICT AND PROCESS. HTML Viewer Control. Fig 3. Sep 25, 2022 · To get rid of the failed entries and shrink the overall memory footprint size of ARFCS* and TRFCQ* tables if there are huge amount of failed entries in SM58. idoc at sm58 under most conditionally if idoc had been generated. Hope this helps. Mar 1, 2019 · I executed the entry in SM58 and ONLY AFTER THIS i was able to re-process the workitem from SWPC transaction. New IDOC will The transaction Transactional RFC (SM58) is assigned as analysis method to all MTEs of this monitoring object. Steps to Edit IDOC with Status 51 & 69 Automatically Reprocess those IDOC with the help of a ABAP Program. SM58(Transactional RFC) – This helps consultants to have a quick overview of the jobs running that carry data/information to and from source to target SAP systems. Click on Log file and then reorganize. This document. Could you help me with the authorizations needed to import the IDOC by RFC in my RFC user ?? This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. In case your are using IP (immediately Processing) at sending side your are using 1 LUW to send it to the TRFC Queue and saving IDOC at receving side -STOP. Hope it helps. Could you help me with the authorizations needed to import the IDOC by RFC in my RFC user ?? Oct 1, 2008 · Pipeline: Outbound Processing -> sender IDOC -> TRFC Queue -> receiver IDOC - Inbound Processing. Input the number of iDoc to be reprocessed and press Create (F8). May 7, 2012 · if not yet arrived pi ,you must check where the idoc had been to , if this idoc had been generated at sap system. Select a specific transaction and resend with Edit > Execute LUW. As a workaroud, the same IDocs are processed fine by reprocessing the LUWs. It is possible to see by the option qRFC Monitor. Favorite. Manually using SM58. Idocs not received. 1. it is a huge human workload. 49 64-bit unicode Keywords SM58, SMQ1, SMQ2, scheduler waiting, Idoc stuck, not processed, outbound queue, inbound queue , KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem Apr 11, 2020 · SM58 Check Transactional RFC very important to do Error Analysis in SAPhttps://youtu. 2. I used the counter field value in EDIDS table to show number of times the idoc is processed. The program name is RSQIWKEX. Need to manually execute the entries in SM58 SMQ1 or SMQ2 again. I work in R/3 4. Custom idoc processing remains in status 30. Jul 7, 2016 · Hi I have an recurring issue with errors in SM58 caused by Workflow: I know that I can reprocess etc. Reports with which we can delete the entry from Table). Now please tell me the flow and use of SMQ1 and SMQ2 in both the systems? Resending Transactions from the tRFC Queue. Also aware there are Standard SAP. OR delete all at once - Choose menu option 'Log File'->Reorganize. Successfully processed IDocs. . If the receiver system is working , unlock the message in the queue, this will open the queue and message will process. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. SM58, SMQ1, SMQ2, delete, recover , KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , How To About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. You can change the status individually by test-executing the program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS or through the function IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE in SE37. From IDoc monitoring --> Metadata Monitor --> I have deleted the particular IDoc metadata and Feb 4, 2010 · Accepted Solutions (1) 02-14-2011. on 10-14-2015. Dojo Toolkit with ABAP web services. Solve the problem that caused the queue to become blocked. Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. " 2584074-Update requests stuck in sm13, enqueue lock entries remain after end of session on Windows RFC -> In the Source System, from RSMO. exam: if had been to sm58, you can use sm58 to repeat it. Find SAP product documentation, Learning Journeys, and more. CSV file from a FTP server is entering R3 through XI and updating some tables in R3. Oct 5, 2015 · Important Dates! SAP Community will be READ-ONLY from January 16 â January 23 for the technical migration. Apr 18, 2008 · go to SM58 and set the filters as. Click the Execute button. Apr 11, 2014 · The best way to understand this process is to open SM58 and then click on the 'I' icon next to execute. network problems). Click on execute button then it will display the information of IDOC as shown in below screen. This is the preferred method. In the next screen based upon your selection criteria you can process all TRFC on single click. BDM5 - Consistency check (Transaction scenarios) BD62 - Define rules. If a queue has status STOP, then this status was set by a qRFC application or manually in transaction SMQ1. Hyper Link Concept in OOABAP. IDoc can be sent (received) again via WE19 transaction. entry in Table ARFCRSTATE ? May 6, 2009 · There is a background job running in both ECC and SCM to pickup any objects and resend them. 0. Un-check the Bkgd Processing checkbox. For the continuous business support in maintenance projects, it’s important to handle the failures (connection failures, message failures). Components of SAP Communication Technology. For this execute program RBDMOIND/ tcode BD75, your idoc status will be changed from 03 to 12 and Data will be moved to inbound system. Dec 30, 2009 · 12-30-2009 10:37 AM. May 11, 2016 · On high level, processing in a sender system involves three layers: application, ALE and communication: In the most basic scenario, the last step of outbound IDoc processing in ALE layer is dispatching of the IDoc to a port - if this step is successful, status '03' is assigned to the IDoc. IDoc Statuses List. Display number of entries in SM58 TRFC. 5. Search for additional results. The RSARFCEX is executable from transaction code SE38/SA38. In the same screen we get multiple filters to search the IDoc. At the same time, tRFC call IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS is hang in SM58 with "Transaction Executing" s. 06-25-2007 6:07 PM. Oct 28, 2008 · Hi , mine is a xi to r3 scenerio. SM04 user locked). Options. using top menu , after executing SM58 > edit > you can choose execute luw ( this will reprocess the failed entries ie trfc & qrfc) if don't want then use delete luw. Now I am not able to receive idocs and before i received it with status 56. BD87 - Status Monitor for ALE Messages. Fig 2. 1| IDOC… Jun 12, 2008 · Hi, When the load is not getiing processed due to huge volume of data, or more number of records per data packet, Please try the below option. Select other parameters of the monitor as required. Enter the Idoc as shown in the below. For this go to Transaction code IDX5, provide the IDoc number & also maintain the correct date and time. doc object. Apr 7, 2008 · Please provide a distinct answer and use the comment option for clarifying purposes. IDoc Statuses. My data has successfully passed through XI, with no errors in SXMB_MONI in x Jan 19, 2017 · we are trying to move idoc from ECC to XI/PI sytem. You can schedule report RSARFCEX to automatically process entries that are stuck in SM58. When sending IDOC to external system such as Biztalk, IDOC has been past to RFC layer with status 03, but external system does not receive the IDOC randomly. PI: If its a Outbound IDoc you can track the xml message based on IDOc number. You can use the monitor to trace the state of the unit, from when it is first recorded until it has IDoc Monitoring in SAP systems can be done using Transaction codes WE02 or WE05 for finding the IDoc status. You would like to cancel the IDoc and reverse the created follow-on documents CALL FUNCTION 'ID_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK' IMPORTING TASK-ID = TID. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. 20. There are three ways to resend transactions from the tRFC Queue. 3. I am very tired of pushing TRFC and IDOC’s manually one by one. There are entries stuck on SM58 with Transaction Recorded state. Alternatively you can use transaction SBGRFCMON. You use the bgRFC monitor to display the recorded units of the bgRFC. Is there any transaction or any Job which need to be run so that we can avoid Oct 27, 2010 · Hi Raja Kumar reddy, If you want to reprocess the IDOC with the correct storage location use the transaction code WE19 and enter the existing IDOC number and press enter. @ Stéphane Bailleul , Rick Bakker :- Request you to This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. previoustoolboxuser (previous_toolbox_user) June 26, 2013, 4:23am 2. on 08-26-2019. Also in receiver idoc CC i added SAPERD250 as port and ERD250100 as the rfc destination. 10-18-2007 12:56 PM. The IDocs from Function Module IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS are stuck in SM58 with status Transaction executing or Transaction recorded. Sep 13, 2006 · SM58 is used to monitor the data packets coming into BW from the R3 side or from BW to BW. You successfully processed at least a part of an inbound IDoc (e. be/Of7p5IeM68U#s4hana #abap #sap #supplychain #sap4you #intelligententer ECC, SM58, stuck, failed, error, LUW, reprocess , KBA , BC-XI-CON-RFC , RFC Adapter , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Download Data into Word Document using OLE Automation. Aug 15, 2023 · Enter Idoc number, and check that the dates are correct. A segment is added to the existing Node in IDOC. Correct Understanding 2 ℹ Then the next thing which we stumble upon was different ARFC jobs getting created for program RSARFCSE in SM37 to process SM58 entries. Cannot process idocs in the foreground. I have found a lot of threads talking about reprocessing the errors with cofc but I can't figure out how to reprocess the records ?? I have for instance found thread. Can you post for what message type and what message you are getting 52. Choose Execute to run the monitor. The CPIC return code is 672. If you are using "delete luw" all non processed tranmissions to be RESEND. Based on your Material configuration, 52 status is ok. 2706508 - Suddenly, inbound IDocs are not being processed automatically and remain in status 64. Relevancy Factor: 10. Download PDF. SM58 Tcode. Members can still participate in the community normally, but their actions won't trigger notifications during this maintenance period. Dec 30, 2021 · Introduction: Currently CPI version 6. e existing IDOC. 10 characters required. I have reimported the IDOC structure and done mapping in PI. "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. SM58 to check if there are any IDocs stuck. As a result of this status, the LUW and thus the queue is blocked until the update has been completed successfully. Idocs stuck in sending system. Regards, Ferry Lianto. It is occurring because the queue was deleted and it turned the document inconsistent. Jun 25, 2007 · Please run program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS to change the IDoc status 52 to 64 and run program RBDINPUT to reprocess the IDoc. Jan 11, 2010 · The following steps in ERP. Aug 1, 2012 · To monitor the outbound queues start SMQ1, the inbound queues can be monitored using SMQ2. 1) ECC and SCM are connected via RFC each other. I makes not much sense because the Target RFC is the system itself (RFC WORKFLOW_LOCAL_100 points to the local system). former_member603757. Is there any solution to execute all the TRFC and IDOC at a time. Mar 21, 2024 · Process: Open the transaction BD87 – Go to Basic Transactions -> IDoc Status Monitoring for ALE Messages. MQ could not receive these Idoc's due to R/3 link failure. Dec 5, 2013 · Why ARFC background jobs are not picking our entry but picking other entries to reprocess. You can schedule RSARFCCP to resend failed tRFC calls for a given logical system or Aug 26, 2019 · Idocs stuck in SM58 even after executing RSARFCEX. Jun 25, 2013 · While processing more number of records, I can find more number of entries in SM58. 2) RSA1 connection is set up from SCM to ECC. You can select by user, period, and entry status. Press Execute: Alternative Method: Execute Report Oct 23, 2019 · Steps to Re-process the IDOC ID: Step 1: 1. First, the flow below is data flow for outbound IDOC from SAP S/4 to SAP PO or third-party system using IDOC technology. Nov 21, 2023 · SM58 issue - DEBMAS05 is not Registered function : # Resgitered Function are : ZPROJEC in Technology Q&A 11-01-2023; Creation of bgRFC and calling in a program in Technology Blogs by Members 03-15-2023; WebSocket RFC to Cloud Using SAP Business Connector in Technology Blogs by SAP 10-17-2022 Jun 5, 2024 · RBDCPCLR Deletes Obsolete change pointers RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING Job for monitoring RSARFCDLCleans up log file for sm58 transfers RSARFCER Deletes entries in arfcstate and arfcdata for RFCs (ARFC) RSARFCEX Retries entries in sm58 that may have failed due to temp conn errors statistics collector RSSNAPDL Delete ABAP Dumps RSTBPDEL Delete Entries in DBTABLOG RSTRFCER Mar 2, 2023 · 168276 - IDocs remain in status 64. You can monitor TRFC calls to your server from the TRFC monitor in the SAP system with transaction SM58. To display the IDOC information i. - Once logged in, it will give a selection screen with “Date”, “User Name”, TRFC options. Execute that LUW again using the menu item Execute LUW. To address this permanently i handled these locking issues with temporary errors so the batch job SWWERRE will keep trying to reprocess the workitem until the lock is released or set counter is reached. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental. After the IDoc is sent to a port, by default, ALE layer Outbound idocs stuck with status 30. The message in the queue was executing a program in SAP ECC which did not process correctly causing the queue do stay in status running indefinitely. This tool lists only those transactional RFCs that could not be carried out successfully or that had to be planned as batch jobs. I am not able to find the solution in going for Execute LUW’s. Thanks, Dec 30, 2009 · 1. Explorer. Goto Transaction SM58: Execute based upon your selection criteria. Tcode SWUS_WITH_REFERENCE can use to trigger new workitem based on exiting one. IDOC Re-Processing without creating a new IDOC. we20 part no. It is not possible to restart a XML message in Scheduledstatus from SXMB_MONI. WPUUMS, WPUBON, WPUTAB, WPUWBW, WPUFIB) and as a result, follow-on documents generated. I know that we can execute each Idocs individually by clicking F6. In SM58 transaction there are tRFC stuck in "Transaction executing" status, and it is possible to observe in transaction ST22 " RAISE_EXCEPTION " dumps at same timestamps of tRFC stuck. Communication error, CPIC return code 017, SAP return code 672. It will display the number of entries in SM58 TRFC with their status. The problem was solved putting the SAP ECC code in a remote function call so that it could be processes assincronally and independently from SAP PI. user name * (do not give any user name here it should be * only) Display period give some back date. LIke that you can execue Queues which are belongs to your load. Hi, Need more clarity on SMQ1 and SMQ2 for queue stuck issue and reprocessing. DISPLAY THE DATABASE TABLE DATA AND WITH DOWNLOAD FUNCTIONALITY. - On execution with “F8” it will give the list of all Stuck LUW’s. You can see every data packet through this transaction. Here’s a scenario how the inbound stuck queue is typically handled in SAP: issue: The below SMQ2 queue is stuck due to Deficit of BA Unrestricted-use 2 EA : 10006180 1001 AFS 0000416486. Jul 2, 2016 · SMQ1 SMQ2 - What does. Set the status of the related queue (s) using Edit Reset Status . Regards. If you have custom idocs or custom idoc processing and you call function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE for the outbound distribution, the idocs might get stuck in status 30, even if you set the partner profile to immediate processing. . In RFC server code you can set a breakpoint directly in the C# class and see when the function is called by the SAP system. You use this transaction to monitor the status of the LUWs in the outbound queue. This report is used to execute call that are not yet executed. Idocs remain in status 30. your are using 1 LUW for the complete Pipe. Immediate processing option doesn't work. · SMQ2 - qRFC Monitor for the inbound queue. Image Scenarios. There are stuck entries in transcation SM58 and would like to know the corresponding IDoc number from the TID displayed. then idoc will go to pi without new number generated. Outbound (SMQ1) and Inbound (SMQ2) queues remaining on “READY” status. Revert back if any issue, Regards, naveen. Download a file to Excel (using ALV "Save to XXL" functionality) Download data from an internal table into an Excel File. so that was fixed in kp27 but still the errors remain. u are using which message type for Processing the Idoc Proceed as follows to monitor bgRFC queues: Click on the Activity icon to open the bgRFC monitor. Apr 23, 2012 · I'm trying to send an IDoc from the SAP system to the Non-SAP system through the SAP PI system. Once you have identified the ID of the LUW, you can use the function module STATUS_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK to determine the status of the transactional RFC. Nov 16, 2007 · Using transation SM58 to re-send Idocs. BD53 - Reduction of Message Types. 6. You can use this program to execute SM58 entries according to your own selection criteria. Data in the form of a . Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). The mechanism requires a manual restart to continue proceeding the q/t RFC processing. Whenever we re-process any idoc, a new idoc number is generated. You will be faced with test tool for IDOC processing screen enter the correct value of storage location in corresponding field and click standard inbound icon. Go to solution. then press F8. The status of the queues is displayed. : BIBLIO01 and added the inbound parameters as ISM_MATMAS. From here you can also resend the function call to your server. Is there any other Txn or Standard SAP Report, with which we can reprocess the failed (EXECUTED) tRFC. Procedure. When the IDoc is sent it fails by default while send the IDoc from the PI system to the Non-SAP, but when the IDoc is reprocessed the IDoc is delivered successfully to the target system. bd54 added source file system logical name BIBLIO01. Either the Inbound Scheduler (SMQS) or Outbound Scheduler (SMQR) mechanism is stuck (e. I wrote a logic to update the number of times a idoc is processed. Hope this helps sap kernel 7. Feb 23, 2008 · Is it possible to reprocess the entry in Table ARFCRSTATE? (I know it is possible to execute SM58 from the originating system. BD59 - Allocation object type -> IDOC type. May 22, 2020 · RSARFCEX: Execute Calls Not Yet Executed. ABAP platform all versions ; SAP ERP 6. Aneesh. Through a scheduled background job. The units are stored on the database until they are processed. A unit consists of one or more function modules that need to be processed as an indivisible unit. Once we go to transaction screen you will find the option to select the required filters in Initial screen based on the actual need. From note 63347 you can see that return code 672 means Logon failed. Show replies. After a successful retroactive update, the blocked LUW is sent automatically. Idocs not moving to status 03. From ECC job logs find TID and same TID will you find at SM58. Try to reduce the IDOC size to 8000 and number of data packets per IDOC as 10. g. Currently the background job is scheduled to run every 10 minutes. At the top a failed LUW (message) will appear. Run transaction SMQ1. Nov 13, 2014 · BD87(Status monitor for ALE messages) – This SAP T-code gives the latest processing status of IDOCs in the SAP source system. Select all appearing queues and select details. For instance if the receiving system is not reachable (e. Double Click in Table Control. 1776423 - IDocs remain in status 64 despite being set to "Trigger immediately" in WE20. SMQ1. The job is not picking up the objects and processing them. 6C. In the next screen click as below . I assuming all your partner profile settings and other ale settings are proper. The data being posted in r3 can be checked through the transaction say WPER in r3. You use this transaction to monitor the status of the LUWs in the outbound queue and restart any hanging queues manually. Oct 18, 2007 · Regarding reprocessing of idocs. Sep 6, 2007 · If a press F6 to "in theory" reprocess the message, I receive the message "Function Module does not exists or EXCEPTION raised". Apr 6, 2015 · Ask your basis team to keep ob refresh SM58 or Try to execute them your queues by manual(F6). 05-07-2012. It has all the good information you are looking for. 11-16-2007 5:56 PM. 0 ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA all versions Keywords SM58, create, alerts, monitoring, tRFC status, solution manager , KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , SV-SMG-MON-BPM-DCM , Data Consistency Some queues are stuck in the Inbound Queue (SMQ2) of the system; You wish to restart the execution of those queues; The queues have one of these statues: SYSFAIL; RETRY; CPIERR; RUNNING. The run time of the background job displays a duration of 0 seconds. There are many blogs available on ret Nov 1, 2007 · If you want to resend the idocs that has status 03, either you can create them again from the source, or change the status of them so they can be reprocessed. This tool lists only those transactional RFCs that could Oct 18, 2022 · Hi Guys, Long time haven't posted an article, Cuong Dang is back :). 4. The “Status Text” will appear Red for the Stuck LUW’s which are not getting processed. 06-25-2007 5:55 PM. bgRFC Monitor. Fig 1. Today tips will show you how get pending IDOC Number in Outbound Queue (SM58) from transaction ID (TID). Press Standard Inbond Processing for inbound iDocs or Standard Outbound Processing for outbound iDocs. If this transaction fails or is stuck at a point Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. When you try to process the document pressing the button "Restart", the message " Restart no longer possible " is displayed. Go to the Transaction " WE02 ". 02-17-2009 12:06 PM. In case your are using IP at both sides . Symptom. Jan 21, 2016 · Due to maintenance work on SAP Community, notifications won't be sent for activities that occur from Saturday morning to Sunday evening (April 13 and 14, European time). py io oo yk yt zk oa mx dt sa