How to swallow to avoid dry socket reddit
• 6 yr. My Dry Socket Experience. I’m scared that anything I swallow my drink, food, or saliva (mainly) that I’m gonna dislodge or mess something up. Other dry socket symptoms include: Pain at the extraction site. Have a molar pulled: Dry socket may happen as much as 30% of the time when you are having a molar, such as a wisdom tooth You’re probably fine not taking it. My dentist applied some medicine on it post which the pain reduced substantially. Make sure u use a gauze so the smoke doesn't touch it , use salt water after , don't suck to hard w suction, I messed up and didn't use gauze just spit the next day after a molar pulled I'm on day 5 now 馃槄. I smoke vape from sun up, to sun down. Thoroughly unpleasant, but was never "throw yourself under a bus" unpleasant. Home →. You should avoid using straws for one week after your extraction. Reply reply More replies More replies If you do have dry socket, or an infection, only ideal and the best way to handle it is to have your surgeon fill the socket. If you're really worried about it, I wouldn't smoke No issue using cpap. If you must smoke, wait at least 30 minutes after the extraction before doing so. i’m def overthinking it i believe but i get nervous everytime i even breathe in through my mouth. ” It is a painful condition that occurs when the blood clot that forms after extraction dislodges or dissolves prematurely. Reply. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. He packed it on Wednesday and I went back for more packing on Friday because of the holiday weekend and my pain was returning. Don’t worry about it. Avoiding creating any type of suction in your mouth is important to avoid those dry sockets. I came up with the idea on using ZYN pouches for the 72 hours time frame to fix the nicotine craving… Do we know if this is a full proof way of being able to avoid dry sockets or a issue with my healing? I got my wisdom tooth out today, and it hurts when i swallow, i understand that when you swallow saliva or a drink it creates a vacuum. That is, the socket is prevented from healing normally. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who Thank you so much in advance. Yea that’s why I’m just waiting for the most part I did a few small hits with gauze in my mouth, let the smoke Elevate your head. Feb 9, 2024 路 Practicing good oral hygiene helps keep the socket clean and prevents dry socket. DO brush your teeth and not the area of the removed teeth - tilt your head to the side and allow it to drool out. Avoid spitting - straws - bending below the hip - sucking and smoking. The main thing that was stressed to me was to avoid mouth wash and gargling for about 3 days. 6216 Brockton Ave #112, Riverside, CA 92506, US. No. Placing dry gauze over extraction site after bleeding has stopped. I took Oxy for the first 4 days, but the side effects were truly awful so I tried not to take it too often. You can try gargling with salt water to soothe the hole in your mouth and clean it more thoroughly. Edibles, tinctures, oils. It's a near open wound. I am simply sharing my experience with dry socket and what worked for me. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. But if you're on day 6 or more, and haven't experienced any crazy amounts of pain, you're in the clear from an initial dry socket. I will start by saying you’ll know if you have a dry socket. • 2 yr. I was worried that swallowing would cause it because it makes the sites hurt a little I assume from the muscles. Dentists have different method to stop the pain,i had a paste and gauze with some product on it (it taste like clove oil) to cover and protect the bone. The first couple days you’re usually eating food that is very soft and easy to swallow without really chewing. Antibiotics do not help healing and do not prevent dry socket. JUST DONT SMOKE. Blog →. It can actually aid your breathing even more than usual if you are prescribed opioid post extraction. Hey op, don’t give up, I’m in the same situation as you, as good as nictotine sounds right now dry socket won’t be as fun and will delay when you can get back to smoking, I smoke daily and just had all 4 wisdom teeth If it was a dry socket tylenol wouldn’t get rid of the pain. I've been on a strict liquid/mush diet, have been rinsing my mouth GENTLY with salt water after every meal, and have avoided anything that could cause suction in my mouth. tipperblade. The sucking, and low pressure inside the mouth can draw the clot out at the extracted tooth location, and create a "dry socket". I should've listened to my gut, lol. could dislodge the clot and I've been afraid that maybe I already dislodged it and have no idea and now I have dry socket. Rinse with a chlorhexidine mouthwash before and after your tooth removal. Swallow your saliva after that. This is something we hear every OS and dentist warn us about post operation. Nov 10, 2023 路 Drink through a straw: The sucking action can cause the clot to move. Yes, after day 1 you should be able to get water in the area. A few common symptoms pointing to a potential dry socket is severe pain, throbbing, swelling, bad taste/smell in your mouth. I'm 7 hours post op and I've only had a few sips of water with painkillers because I'm scared even drinking water could dislodge the clot. Remember everyone heals differently! But I recently started having burgers and sandwiches, I’m day 27 in. Also avoid drinking from straws or drinking or eating anything overly hot. Dry socket is serious, you don't want that pain. I was put under so I didn’t experience any pain during the actual surgery. I drank as normal after mine but I don't have super strong suction, I guess. I got my wisdom tooth removed last Monday, developed a dry socket last Thursday. At 6 days you should be pretty much out of the woods. You should be able to just tilt the bottle/cup up a bit and let the water pour in. Just do the salt water rinses until day 7 and then irrigate with the syringe. Jul 18, 2023 路 Treatment may include: Flushing out the socket. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that formed to protect the bone and nerves, becomes dislodged, exposing them to air, food, etc. All of my wisdom teeth that were removed were simple partial soft tissue impactions. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. Stretching your neck and jaw during the day releases some of the tension and switches off the stabby pain. Avoid eating crunchy or sticky foods. My dry socket wasn't on par with those horror stories you read on the net. How to Swallow to Avoid Dry Mar 12, 2019 路 Turmeric. A dry socket will heal on its own but it can take a couple of weeks, and the pain comes with it. A dry socket means the bone,tissue and nerve are exposed because the blood cloth that usually form after an extration fell. You can drink liquids but avoid using a straw. My surgeon isnt in til Monday and here I am in excruciating pain. u/catmanchew: Gently rinse with saline rinse (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water) a few times a day from the day after the extraction, preferably after eating. Using antiseptic mouthwash before a tooth extraction helps prevent dry socket. The pain lasted for almost 2 weeks and was debilitating at times. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after meals to speed up healing and prevent infection. When you spit, don't actually spit but let the water kind of just fall out of your mouth. The suction movement of air and cheek muscles when you use a straw may dislodge your blood clot. After the first seven days of teeth extraction, try to avoid eating from the affected area. Follow the post-op instructions carefully and most people never have any problems. 3. So just pick up a patch. Yeah moist fabric like gauze blocking the wound (s) combined with a low-suction smoking method like a small pipe and small hits will most likely avoid dry socket. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after the extraction. If you try, you will get a dry socket, that’s that. Try not to spit or swish vigorously for awhile. The filler is red stringy substance that will allow the gum to heal without a clot. so i’m like terrified of getting a dry socket. Bad breath or a foul odor coming from your mouth. This method is cheap, doesn’t use much weed, and doesn’t have the shitty taste of decarbed bud. I don’t get it cause we can’t use straws. . . You'll be putting less sugar in the wound, which is the favorite snack of mouth bacteria as opposed to regular edible, and you'll be creating less combustion and suction related damage. Betadine is a mixture of povidone and iodine. Apr 6, 2018 路 1. ADMIN MOD. Pain at 6 days shouldn't be I’ve been doing everything according to my dentists in order to prevent dry socket. Avoid straws. The curcumin in turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce pain and aid wound healing. Antibiotics do not fully prevent these cases from happening, meaning less than about 1 in a 1000 people will truly see even the slightest benefit at all from antibiotics. NO STRAWS!!! (or sucking on anything) Dry socket is what will really hurt. You have to swallow. You don’t have dry socket. Avoid touching the area of the extraction and also try not to sleep on that side for two to three days. Please do try to eat food that’s easy to swallow in one go, and protein drinks to boost healing definitely. Jan 27, 2022 路 This can lead to pain, bad breath, and a pus-like discharge. Blood on the pillow is normal because it’s mainly saliva mixed with a little blood. It won’t. Dry socket symptoms include: Severe pain in the first few days after an extraction. This reduces the section of the swallow to just that area. You should definitely be eating. Where as the pain goes away 1-3 days after. Will this make a dry socket? Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. What you should be worrying about is forcefully spitting, creating a lot of suction through a straw, creating a lot of suction by drinking out of a water bottle (one with a cap and small hole, just a generic one) or smoking and creating too much suction. Even if you are feeling fine you need to give the clot time to develop. but whenever i swallow my saliva it’s like so much pressure on the bottom left side and it hurts like hell and i’m scared i’m gonna get one just from swallowing. Mar 17, 2023 路 1. I’m also having bad pain 96 hours out from surgery. If your pain is from dry socket, the clot will have fallen out of the hole in your gum. My clot dissolved around the 72 hour mark and whilst not much healing had taken place, it was enough to stave off the worst of the worst. You now have “firecrackers” that you don’t have to taste or chew. Spitting. I'm confused as to how this could be dry socket though, as I have been EXTREMELY careful to avoid it. I've been so nervous that swallowing, crying, throwing up, smiling, etc. You can swallow, just no aggressive spitting. One of the four wisdom teeth i had pulled, its hole thhe clot keeps coming out, and the negative pressure sensation If your pain and swelling increase after the third day, or are extreme, or is causing problems swallowing, seek professional attention. Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every hour, or as directed. Smoking cigarettes. Having a tooth extracted sounds scarier than it actually is. I started to feel the pain from yesterday (day 4) and today Maybe if you're gonna get high still, try a 1-to-1 cbd/thc tincture and get a little less high than usual for a while. Just don't be rough with the extraction site. Finely grind and decarb your bud and then pack the pills. Bad breath (halitosis). The socket may look empty. Also definitely use the mouthwash and take the meds they prescribe you or you WILL get a dry socket from infection! Just follow the instructions on the packet and rest alot. For 24 hours after this point: DO NOT RINSE OR BRUSH NO SMOKING/VAPING NO USING STRAWS NO SPITTING NO RAISING HEART RATE. Pulled the entire clot out trying to take a small puff wide open lung hit (so there wouldn't be a vacuum created in my mouth) and at the lowest temp @ 17watts. In a 2018 study, a dressing Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. This will give your blood clot time to form and reduce the risk of dry socket. ears and temple! there’s also other symptoms such as a bad taste in your mouth and bad breath. After five days, you can also try cleaning your mouth with a syringe to get rid of trapped food easier. 3 Share. The specialist didn't pack my tooth with anything so it was an open wound until it closed over. Both bottom wisdom teeth extraction sites. It can also promote healing. Jun 19, 2022 路 Let your mouth be still as the sockets begin to form a scab and the swelling goes down. Then, you swallow as mentioned above. Dry Socket Some context, i'm 14, just got both my upper and lower premolars removed for brace, and i'm now absolutely, irrationally terrified of getting dry socket. Dressing with medicine. N/A. Salt water rinses : You just turn your head left and right slowly and let it fall out of your mouth into the sink. So my question is that when I swallow liquids, I often feel like I'm creating too much suction against the roof of my mouth and it makes me worried that I'm going to pull out a blood A lot of people will say mashed potatoes but they forget to mention that there you can do more than just the plain potatoes. The blood clot will stick to the gauze and you will remove it. During the first three days, try to avoid any type of soft or hard food and just drink soup or other fluids. Betadine or povidone-iodine 1% mouthwash is especially beneficial for older people who are more at risk of developing dry socket. Jun 3, 2023 路 If you have recently undergone wisdom teeth removal, you may have heard of the term “dry socket. Refrain from drinking carbonated or hot drinks, as both of To be fair, I had started suspecting I had a dry socket on day 4, but didn't want to bother my surgeon over "nothing". Mix half a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water to make salt water. Only eat extremely soft foods like mashed potatoes, ice cream, and soup. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. Add a side of Campbell's cream of mushroom with old bay seasoning. • 4 yr. Dry socket is excruciating debilitating pain & that’s it! It’s not a visual thing. Don't touch the area with your finger or tongue. Holy shit man! Dry socket doesn’t look like anything. Where as to be healed and eat normally its usually 5-7 days after your surgery! List of questions to ask the dentist post-surgery? How to prevent dry socket? Please give me a syringe. Antiseptic Mouthwash. The tea bag trick should only be used if you cannot stop the bleeding in an A socket is a hole in the bone where the tooth was removed. Using a straw creates a low or negative pressure inside the mouth. Pain that feels like it radiates to your head and neck. Be sure to use real tea from tea leaves, not herbal tea. People naturally want to tilt their head back when taking pills, but if the pill floats, that just keeps the pill at the surface of the water near your teeth as you're gulping the water down, leaving the pill last. What are the procedures to do after eating, and when waking up and before going to sleep? What substitutes brushing teeth in the morning and night? Is flossing unaffected teeth okay? Is swallowing pills (painkiller) okay? Jun 3, 2024 路 Choose soft foods rather than hard or crunchy foods, as this can reduce the risk of damaging the socket and getting food stuck in it. Regardless of anything, schedule a post-op and get it checked out. Brush lightly. Food, saliva and bacteria can become lodged in its place, causing pain and discomfort. 5. In addition, chemicals in tobacco are known to disrupt proper healing and can contaminate the extraction site, triggering development of dry socket. In the beginning it's definitely up to a 9/10. Dry socket almost always presents 1-4 days later. Do not apply any more gauze after this or touch the extraction site/s in any way. Don’t try to drink fluid with the help of a straw, as the sucking action may Don’t smoke. To avoid dry socket, there are a few things you can do: Make sure to follow your dentist’s instructions for post-operative care. Zorukia. Sort by: Add a Comment. None were impacted, my bottom two were already erupted and very straight, the surgery was very easy and over in 30 minutes. Pain that spreads from the socket to your ear, eye, temple or neck on the same side of your face as the tooth removal. Rinse a few times a day with lukewarm salt water, and avoid As long as you don't vigorously spit when brushing teeth, brush your teeth too hard, chew on those sockets when eating, or eat solid foods too soon, then you're probably ok. Once 24 hours have passed, gently rinse the mouth with a warm salt water rinse several times daily for a week. The pain. Pain that radiates from the extraction site outward toward your ear, eye, or neck. Remove the gauze at 45 mins sharp and swallow your meds with water. Jul 18, 2023 路 Loss of part or all of the blood clot at the tooth removal site. Well, then you just accept the risk of dry socket. Patients who develop dry socket experience intense, throbbing pain, bad breath, and an unpleasant taste in their mouth. Often times we get our tooth extracted and feel the need to look at it in the mirror every hour. If the socket doesnt need filled (it would be an infection), they will prescribe the appropriate medication to nullify it. Avoid smoking 3. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your dentist about rinses or remedies. So I recently got three wisdom teeth removed: 2 lowers and one upper. Sent you a message. People can use turmeric to help treat dry socket. Swallowing will not create enough suction to dislodge it. Your bottom teeth likely hurt from sympathetic pains and nerve/muscle inflammation from removal, which is normal. Medications won't help the pain. No cold turkey, just a session less a day Feb 7, 2024 路 2. Green, black, or oolong tea bags can help reduce the pain and inflammation of a dry socket. After surgery, brush the teeth gently and avoid brushing the extraction site for 24 hours. If it is a dry socket, the dressing process is simply pushing the filler in to the hole, it takes two minutes with no injections or additional pain. Wrap a towel around it before you apply it to your jaw. And that was from my dentist when I got my wisdom teeth out. Just don’t risk it, you can be sober for a few days it won’t kill you. Just swallow normally, it’ll be fine! Same tbh. You may or may not be able to see this, and, like I said, it is going to look alarming no matter what. They say to limit activity for the first 48 hours and even stay lying down as much as possible. I've been irrigating my dry socket for about 5 days now. I started eating solids about after my first week. Try to focus on the front of the teeth, and make sure you're not bumping the incision sites at all. Dry socket is an inflammatory reaction of the bone in response to the loss of the clot. Typically the only complication might be a dry socket and an antibiotic won’t help prevent that anyway. The relief is real and almost immediate. This is very important to do. I had an odd impacted lower wisdom tooth. did anybody else have this tl;dr Wisdom teeth out tuesday, dry sockets developed, medication applied, uncontrollable crazy fever, now swollen glands. I didn't smoke or use a straw, kept the sites very clean, did everything as directed etc. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. You can get a ton for like $8. Then Saturday night around 11 pm I started getting intense pain on one side and it was pretty obvious to me that it was dry socket. How To Prevent Dry Socket As much as we hate to part with our beloved teeth- sometimes we have to let them go when they’re causing discomfort or simply cannot be saved. Ice helps relieve pain and swelling. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. Nope. Hello On monday I had a tooth extraction, today I had no pain but dinosaur breath, loose stuture and the bloodclot was sinking, other websites told… Not enough for me to seek pain meds, but it makes me paranoid about it potentially being dry socket. Edit: take an edible. If you can sit & type out a post or open your mouth to take a photo you don’t have dry socket. It’s your choice what you do with your body. Avoid touching the site: Poking the empty socket with your tongue or touching it with your fingers can lead to Yeah I was planning on just swallowing them but I’m worried about getting cotton mouth and then that leading to a dry socket. EqusG. It’s suction like sucking on straw that lifts clot out. And dry socket. And my sockets just started closing up beautifully. Jun 5, 2024 路 Manage or prevent dry socket: Apply ice to your jaw. I did that for the first few days, but $30 a day for a THC drink didn’t feel right. Not pressure inbound. Go to a store or use Amazon prime and get some pill capsules. I'm no expert, but when I was doing some googling to prevent a dry socket as I also just got wisdom teeth removed, you would know if you got a dry socket within the first 72 hours. Engaging your mind in other tasks takes focus away from stabby pain. These can provide quick pain relief. I went ahead and had them put the packing/medication or whatever it’s called in my mouth to prevent/treat dry socket because I have some concerns, but the biggest thing I’m struggling right now is feeling like it’s okay Press the tip and sides of your tongue to the roof of your mouth while you swallow. The unbearable pain that consumes you and you cannot do anything else but think about the pain. Sep 6, 2022 路 To prevent a dry socket, make sure to follow these instructions. I will go to an urgent care place and get this checked out once the sun comes up May 1, 2024 路 Learn how to swallow to dry socket and ensure a smooth recovery. But don't worry at all dry socket only occur to people who don't follow post up instructions. Ask your dentist about how to brush your teeth after surgery. Not during the procedure, after the anesthetic wore off it definitely hurt, but not too bad. May 1, 2024 路 Dry socket is a distinct kind of pain that follows dental extraction. Discomfort can be mild, but it’s often severe. I just think you’re having pain from the surgery and you’ll have a hole on your bottom jaws, which is normal. No issue using cpap after tooth extraction. Also my breath smells like ass EDIT: Thanks guys for the responses. Day 2: I've just had a 3rd and hopefully final extraction done and I'm still just as worried about getting dry socket after reading so many reddit posts about it. Much less that 1% of people will develop an infected socket. Sep 16, 2018 路 Avoid tobacco use: Smoking a cigarette can dislodge the newly forming blood clot. I am 10 days post-op and was experiencing a lot of pain and went to see my surgeon after 6 days, and he said he could not confirm it was dry socket, but will treat it as such. Starting this off by saying I am not a dentist or medical professional. Don't try it OP you'll regret it soo bad if it happens. That’s the main difference between a normal extraction and dry socket. just stay on the pain med schedule the doc gives you and you'll be fine. Tongue goes to the roof of the mouth, liquid goes down the esophagus. I was told if you have a dry socket, you would be in so much pain that you would be unable to speak. I didn't get dry socket and my bottom jaw hurt for 14 days. Hi, I usually do not post on reddit, but I seriously just need some advice/reassurance. You sort of tilt your head back and forth to get water in/around the area to rinse (don't swish by inflating/deflating your cheeks), and let the water/debris dribble out of your mouth. I obviously don’t want dry sockets as I’ve read they’re the worst thing since Hitler or 9/11. The pain of a dry socket usually radiates around your whole face eg. You’ll either end up with one or you won’t. Post-op infections aren’t impossible but certainly not common with routine wisdom teeth removal. Don't eat/drink foods that are too hot or spicy. I googled it too and it says swallowing your saliva helps create some type of pressure to avoid dry socket. Your dentist or oral surgeon may pack the socket with medicated gel or paste and a dressing. Brush your teeth at least twice a day while being careful not to aggravate the area where the socket is. ago. Sweetvieve. Easy answer. just don't man, you don't want to go down that road TRUST ME. Tea bags. Don't do unnecessary exercise. No issues w wisdom and dry socket. Apr 15, 2023 路 Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and warm salt water rinse if needed. Bone that you can see in the socket. May 4, 2023 路 Maintaining good oral hygiene is among the most important ways to prevent dry socket. You do not have dry socket. •. 2. Good luck with your surgery tmo! Reply reply More replies Dry socket is defined by severe pain 3-5 days after the extraction. This gives your body time to heal and reduces the risk of developing dry socket. Your dentist or oral surgeon may flush out the socket to remove any food bits or other loose materials that may add to pain or possible infection. Please feel free to share your tips and I will add it to the list. Mar 27, 2010 路 5. Just don't pull too hard on whatever you're smoking, because it's not the smoke that causes the dry socket, but actually the pressure created by the vacuum that exists as a result of sucking inwards with your cheeks. , but I think I got dry socket because the tension in my mouth/jaw was making me swallow my spit really hard. If you are flat, blood may pool in the head and extend the healing time. Just bite, we mean really bite hard on that same gauze that we dismiss you with for 30 minutes and then toss it. Lie or sit on your sofa for the first 24 hours, then do light walking for the next few days. Dry socket pain is immense so if you feel like you are giving birth to a child in your head just know it's dry socket. And when eating soft foods, just try to avoid having the food come in contact with the area. I'm on day 2 (currently about 33 hours post op) and I'm entering the danger zone with regards to the time period in which people are most likely to get dry socket. But your risk of dry socket doesn’t really go away until day 7-10. Use a wet tea bag against the tooth socket for pain relief. dreamvilleduncan. Terrified of dry socket to a debilitating level. I (19F) am 5 days going on 6 days post op from having all 4 wisdom teeth removed. 1. Yes. Obviously being high itself causes dry mouth and so be sure to maintain the moist and humid atmosphere that your mouth wants for. This draws the liquid into the mouth. I accidentally rinsed my mouth the same day as the extraction, and everytime i move my tongue, to swallow or whatever, there's a unpleasant pressure on the tooth socket. To totally get rid of the stabby pain while you are trying to sleep you need to cover the dry socket to stop your breath from irritating it. All I can think about all day is whether I’m getting dry socket or not or if I do any little thing it’s gonna cause it. The hole in your gums is where the damn tooth that got pulled out was. Dry socket usually lasts 7 days and it will use the healing gel as a vector for continued healing. I hope you get dry socket you smoking moron. If the pill floats, point your face downward with a mouthful of water and the pill, and swallow. Add sour cream, gravy, melted cheese, and extra seasonings that the default packaging is missing. You may also put a slightly moist tea bag in a refrigerator first to use it as a cold compress. Early stage dry socket usually begins one to three days after your tooth has been pulled. If needed, use medicated mouth rinses (ask your dentist). Even though it was a "big one" according to one dentist. In most cases, you will be advised to just gently rinse your mouth on the first day following surgery, and switch to gentle tooth brushing on the second day. Not sure how I even managed to dislodge the blood clot but I was trying to nap and so I took out my gauze and within 10 minutes of doing so I felt a… Sep 28, 2023 路 Worsening pain in your mouth and face two to three days after the extraction is the most common symptom of dry socket. Award. og ju lm ou wv tx lm wo qo zu