Headache for a month reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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The hospitals did all sorts of tests and found nothing and said it just happens sometimes and keep releasing her. Went away two days later. Nortriptyline took away the constant headache/migraine, HUGE doses of B2 and B12 and B6 in addition decreased the severity of my most intense migraines to manageable. Sumatriptan works for my migraines. For those who never had Covid before - like tons of my family members and friends - they seem to be doing ok. After undergoing a CT scan, the only finding was nasal polyps. I eat somewhat healthy. I'm going to check with a doctor tomorrow,but I'd still anxious to know what's going on. I haven’t gotten my period naturally in several months, yet each month I get these headaches. i've been having daily headaches for a month or over a month now out of nowhere so a sudden onset (i've never/super rarely experienced headaches in my life). I could of been certain in the beginning it was a sinus headache but then it went on, and on. It was insanely effective. Hello everyone, I’m 31 and I have been experiencing persistent headache for the past 9 months. I’m so afraid that it’s some kind of brain tumor because it’s there all the time and have lasted for over a month now. Maybe a couple dozen over the years. For the first couple days I couldn't figure out why my head started to hurt even after taking meds for headaches. Was transferred to another hospital for brain CT and had DLOC on arrival there, taken to emergency theater and was found to have intact brain hydatid, was removed Hi. The headaches were still there for another month and 1/2 but bearable. LASIK) , etc. Some neurologists believe that migraine headaches are a progressive disease, so if you feel like you have a history of worsening headaches, maybe it's a good idea to start a preventative treatment (I wish I had 10 years ago). My 12 year old son started getting months long headaches 7 days after his first covid shot (12/2021). today and yesterday my headaches have been lasting all day/most day and have been more bothersome. No treatment or medication had any noticeable change in headaches. Now it is at the base of the skull, then it has moments when it I'm somewhat in the same boat as you. If I didn’t add this routine, even Advil or Tylenol could stop the head pain. It could be neuropathic corneal pain. I’ve had a non-stop headache for almost two months. I also use the cefaly device frequently, it also helps with my migraines. ADMIN MOD. It wasn’t just triptans though - it was codeine and ibuprofen as well. Mostly in my right temple, sometimes my left. Along with these symptoms, I've also found myself overheating very easily. nothing super severe It turns out that at some point my body decided to convert stress and tiredness into "blocked ears", which is an incredibly daft thing to do as it results in tension headaches and more stress. Constant Headache for 10 Days. I was late doing my second injection because insurance refuses to cover the medication at all (they’re wanting me to attempt and fail at the most insane medications for migraine treatment) so I had to find a different way to get the medication, which I was able to Hi again, I actually updated the post here, Later on went for the eye test and the same, doctor said not related to eyes even though I mentioned tension headaches. Constant one-sided headache for months, gets worse at night. 1. Eventually got diagnosed with NDPH and went to diamond headache clinic in Chicago regularly for about 3 years. I (24 nonbinary, 5'4, 250lbs) wanted to ask if this was an issue worth going to a doctor over. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. now ive stopped flonase and i have been off it for like 3 days already and im still getting headaches every day. My headaches started about a month and a half ago. It’s like a dull headache. yllekarle. I took those pills every month and they kept the headaches away. r/AskDocs A chip A close button. In January this year I had constant headaches for about a month and a half which came to an end when I had an extremely bad migraine (stroke like symptoms: nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, lack of motor function, tingling — went to ER). My personal favorite is Emgality, a once a month shot to prevent spikes. I cook my own food. Even if you don't 'see' them your eye & brain may be picking them up and causing the headaches. It started 3 months ago, I felt this new dull headache on the right side of the back of my head a few inches behind the ear. If you are bothered by ice cream headaches, try eating slowly and warming the cold food at the front of your mouth before you swallow it. It feels like pain in the front top half of my head, its a very draining feeling. This type typically occurs in people with a history of episodic migraines. My job has brought me not just tiredness but muscle and joint pain with frequent headaches. I've had headaches in the past but nothing like that and never for consistently that long. Heads up it took a while to get used to it. Headache every single day, 24/7, for a month. Ibuprofen is not good in the long run. This was definitely some kind of withdrawal or rebound but it certainly wasn’t just a headache. Got Covid on Christmas. The headache started a month ago around my left temple and forehead. For me, I usually prefer heating pads & being buried under my blankets over the more typical cold headbands around my head and ears because of the cold bone pain feeling & muscle tension caused by the migraine. It's usually pretty mild, it's like a throbbing pressure. Hey guys, wanted some feedback here. It’s gotten a lil better but my anxiety and panic disorder mess with me so much. Taking daily headache meds (not triptans which are for higher level migraines) is horrible on your digestive system, so I wish you luck in finding a possible cause. I've thought about trying an injectable like Aimovig or Ajoy or going to a major headache center like the Cleveland Clinic, Diamond Headache Clinic, etc. A headache often accompanies my fever as well, and I also have an on/off cough. The really bad days where I can't do anything are fortunately few. Brain MRI is normal. This headache was weird, it gave me a pretty bad brain fog. Avoid screens during this time, and use the warm compress before you go to sleep. One thing I noticed is that I didn't get my period for four months - Nov, Dec, Jan, & Feb. Neurologist is trying different migraine meds, but NOTHING helps. For a while, I tried everything from steroid shots, CT scans, and MRIs to anti depressants, natural remedies, acupuncture, and chiropractic relief. Anyway, just got my booster three weeks ago and the dizziness/lightheaded suddenly started last week (so around two weeks after the shot). I stopped taking amitriptyline cold turkey about 3 weeks into January. Started off as a dull ache that, on and off throughout the day, would gradually transform into a discombobulating pressure that felt like my head was inflating, making it hard to think clearly or concentrate. today is day 20 since the pain stopped and I'm starting to get really frustrated. Been having daily headaches for a month. I tried like 4 types of painkillers. There is often accompanying eye watering, nasal congestion, or swelling around the eye on the affected side. & I take Tylenol everyday. def never using flonase again. Definitely. 27M here. For the last week, I've been having recurring headaches, accompanied by listnessness, and what I think is fairly described as extreme tiredness—near-constant yawning It’s been a month since I’ve quit caffeine cold turkey and I still have headaches. These may result from conditions like tension headache or migraine. The tough thing is headaches are all brought on for different reasons for each individual. About two weeks ago I just finished 10 ten days of antibiotics for what the nurse thought to be a sinus infection. The pattern was always the same: aura, bad headache, vomiting, exhaustion, and then I would start to feel better. Around last november I (25M) got what seemed to be a nasty cluster headache for about 2 weeks. Next day went to the doctor Help. nothing super severe Hello reddit world! I have a few questions hoping I come across people with the same problem. These symptoms typically last 15 minutes to 3 hours. But I do have headaches every single day, and the pain differs greatly in type of pain (throbbing, ice pick, pressure, etc) and location (top of head, temple, right side, left side, behind eye, bridge of I suffered with headaches for 5 years straight. It’s so shitty we have to suffer when there is a clear fix & they won’t help us pay for it. I started a headache on July 16 that is still sitting on top of my head, and also I feel on the back of head and neck at times too. Some months I get other period symptoms such as sore breasts, mood swings, etc. I wake up with a headache with a number of other symptoms everyday. My insurance is the exact same way. jdixon1974. Btw no electric shock but that could totally be a sign of stress too. 26 m here. He is currently on week 5 of this round of headache. They did and EKG X-rays and blood work which all came back normal. : r/migraine. Tension can be triggered by many things, but it’s because I am easily . Once a month, I get a debilitating headache that lasts 1-2 days (sensitive to light, always pressure in the same spots). It would slowly build throughout the day and I was always unable to relief it. I wish I had tried it sooner instead of waiting a whole month to figure that out. Today I just closed my left eye and tried to look through the right,it's a little blurry. since then it's coming back constantly everyday, almost always in the same spot, always on the right side of the head, the weird thing is it's always getting Headache feels like outward pressure and can move around the had at different times. I’ve seen 3 neurologists and got no help. It often starts out like an inconvenient pressure, right above the eyes (either one side, or both), some day left, next day same thing, but right. Got diagnosed with chronic migraines despite the the normal criteria online being 3 months just because I have had this headache every. Cluster headaches (CH) are a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent severe headaches on one side of the head, typically around the eye. I have to be honest, when I first tried this the headache was completely gone the day after, although when I had another flare-up the effect was not the same. Jan 24, 2024 · Constant or chronic headaches happen 15 days or more in a month, for at least 3 months. I had tinnitus in the beginning with dizziness, they have disappeared for me in the last month. Get the “D” version (or 24hr-Sudafed) from the pharmacist. Get app I use to have headaches every single day for about 3 years straight also. The pain just feels pressuring on my forehead and back of my head, sometimes the top of my head but not as often. I was told it was a migraine but the pain is all over my head. After almost two months, three trips to the emergency room, three doctor visits, I finally got in with a neurologist. I've not been able to work for 4 months, I have no income, I cannot get another job because of the pain I'm in, I cannot But even after I was done with all the recommended doses of the antibiotic, the headaches persisted after that. I've been having a headache for a month now. Propranolol for chronic daily headaches - any successes? : r/migraine. A month after that had a bout of dizziness, vertigo, and a headache on the back left of my head. After dealing with this for so long, I'm starting to lose hope. The muscle tension causes some of the pressure feeling as well as any outside/internal ear pressure dynamics. I got away from my stressor and after a few months it went away. hi man, that was 4 months ago, I'm cured now from the headaches, they were completely stress-related, very bad ones. I would try, and it would rise to the the top of my skull into Getting frustrated with headache for over a month and a half Hey all, just wanted to share my frustration and see if anyone has gone through the same. It feels like pressure on my head like when you're doing too much exercise and you feel your head heavier and your neck tight. The pressure radiates from the exact position you lined up there, back and "into the eye socket", and at some point then can develop into a migraine. Basically I would get headaches on the left side of my head that lasted anywhere from 1 hour to days, very rarely would the head be on both sides of the head or just the right. A little backstory, my tension headaches would usually start when I woke up. I know the headache is contributing to my depression and making it worse. It’s like someone is pushing on my head, it can be dull or pretty painful. I failed 6 daily preventatives, as well as massage, acupuncture, chiro, diet. It responded to pain relievers such as aleive. I had Covid in October and it was worse than my vaccine symptoms and took 7 months to improve. All resolving in the same day. 2. Treatment options include medications yourremedy94. I marked a stock photo with the location. Everyday I wake up with the same pain, I go to sleep with the same pain, it won't end, it won't calm down or disappear. Since 13th of this month my headaches have died down to like 2-3% only from like 60-70%. Month long headache, unsure of the cause. Jan & Feb are the two months I felt great. For the first three weeks I had constant horrible migraines (in bed, throwing up, stabbing pain). 5 is my average. But they stopped once they recovered and I haven’t had a headache for longer than 5 or 10 minutes since, until a month ago. tbh this is mostly just a rant. I’ve had a headache for about a week now. on the 2nd it stopped however I was left with the constant exhaustion, brain fog, feeling washed out, and basically like a zombie with my neck and scalp always feeling tight. Naproxen sodium for all-day headache pain. It’s an overall dull pain feeling changing positions in my head but a couple of times it has felt like I have been hit in the back of my head, just for like a minute. I stand up all day , for almost 12 hrs. After 19, I no longer had these attacks, but occasionally experienced auras without headaches. Nothing remarkable about my health or history but after coming back to school after winter break I was jetlagged one day and woke up later on in the day with a headache Been having daily headaches for a month. Your muscles are tense and a lot of people with anxiety are constantly clenching their jaw and tensing their neck and shoulder muscles without even realizing it which all cause tension headaches. i wonder if all corticosteroids would have this side effect? Hey there, I've had a recurring headache on and off for a few months in the exact same spot. A shower with the water hitting my head and face helped a little. I noticed them starting, basically feeling like a band around my head (a little more so in the front above my eyes), when I was sitting at my computer. It's like a straight line right above my left eyebrow. But I still have the headaches with sinus pressure, neck pressure, painful and swollen lymph nodes, stuffed/runny nose, painful eyes, now discharging, and my right eyelid swelled a week ago and it was painful to close and open. I had what the doctor described as unilateral hemicranial continuum type headaches. •. Over the next week or so, I had a constant headache that would go away instantly when I laid down. I was forced to come off all meds for months before trying my last treatment. Try keeping a food diary. We support each other, and spread knowledge about our various conditions. They were tension headaches that lasted all day and wouldn't go away. Posted by u/kandii_floss97 - 1 vote and no comments One month sober, headaches and fatigue. About a week previously to the onset, i hit my head at work (what i thought was relatively lightly) I Also had a moderately bad concussion 8-10 months before that as well. I was tested for flu, Covid and rsv and it was negative. The pain is over in less than a minute, even if you keep eating. For the last 10 years I discovered I can make them just happen twice or 3 times a week if I manage to exercise daily for 2 or 3 consecutive months, and my neurologist prescribed 10mg valium every night to ensure I don't wake up every hour due to the pain. but it gave me headaches every day. The only pain meds that worn are opioids, that I only use if the pain is to much for me to handle. The headache would never go away, the pain levels may have varied, but not much, but the headache was constantly there, from the moment I woke up to I went to sleep, always a headache. 12hr-Allegra-D every morning. I got botox in my jaw yesterday. Headache from high blood pressure. My brain fills full. I've been having eye ache and headache for over a month. (Last one lasted ~6 months). I don’t have a headache when I wake up, i work an office job & as the day goes on my head is pounding. After about 2 days of no headache, it started again. Sometimes my days would start out okay then boom, lightheadedness/floaty feeling hits in the afternoon. Muscle relaxers worked, but put me to sleep. Im getting temple area headaches (one side at a time, mostly left side but sometimes right) for a month like 3-4x/week. Hi and thanks your time :) 42f 5'0/130, no meds or smoke/drink/drugs. We aim to become the reddit home of radiologists, radiographers, technologists, sonographers and lay-users interested in medical imaging. Headache came out of nowhere. Dull pressure. Have had teeth checked, eyes checked,blood tests, stroke tests, CT scan all which found nothing. I used one of those heatable eye masks you put in the microwave for 15 seconds, instead of a warm towel over the eyes. While I had the twitches, I've googled a lot and About 14-15 days ago, I began to experience a headache (nothing unusual), but this persisted for a few days and grew into a full-blown migraine that put me out of commission on around day 5. I should mention I do have insomnia but I don’t think that would cause headaches like this for this long. I tested negative for covid, but only got tested after I'd already had a sore throat for two months because before that time only people with severe symptoms could get tested. The next day, I was still feeling nasty headache symptoms so I went into the ER where I received a CT scan, blood tests, and migraine cocktail through a drip. The pain is quite severe throughout the day, and I'm at a loss about what to do. Mar 26, 2024 · Some people develop sharp, sudden headache pain when they eat anything cold. Since then, I had something similar a few times but only for a day or two at a time. I had a headache for 6 months 24-7 and had an MRI of my brain and an eye pressure exam etc. I’ve finished 2 Z packs, about to finish Amoxacilin-pot clvul (10 day dose) and I’m still sick. Many times it is misdiagnosed as “dry eye”. I've had the same headache for about a month straight now, and was popping painkillers ever couple hours for the first week. The past month or so I've had a headache/earache every single day. having the same exact thing. (I know it's not good to do that, so I've just been gritting my teeth and handling it the last 3). I had some body aches, slight upper chest pressure, headaches and some fatigue, but the prominent and persistent symptom is the sore throat. A month and a half ago, I started having bad headaches without auras that would last for days. NCP is a painful often misdiagnosed condition which may involve eye and facial pain related to eye injuries, corneal surgery (eg. I’ve had a tension like headache (on the lower back of head and the sides) for like 8-9 days, 24/7 and it would not go away with painkilles. They AREN'T severe, just very annoying. . started my migraine attack journey on July 28th the intense pain lasted 3 ish days until August 2nd.     Go to migraine. I hope it helps. I've been sober one month tomorrow after a ten-day taper, it's my second attempt at sobriety in two years. I don’t know if i need to see a doctor, but one day I had a mental breakdown from stress and cried. It was a last resort and has been really effective treating the shoulder injury, at least. Repeat on the opposite side. This week I started CBD oil which does seem to be helping. I found the headaches were much worse after getting addicted to edibles than simply smoking or vaping, this last for at least 2 weeks after quitting, thankfully after 3 - 4 weeks the headaches subside completely. Now, about 3 weeks ago they started again. Unless there's a good reason to clean out your ears, just leave them alone, as their own cleaning mechanism is easily disrupted. Also study finds no apnea. I went to the hospital and they believe it was a sinus infection. Obviously, resting in a dark space, occasionally stepping outside (away from people of course) for fresh air. I was prescribed amoxicillin before my headaches for an infection in my throat which went away once I finished my antibiotics, but a few days later I experienced daily morning headaches which last for the whole day, some days are worse and some days are good where I feel like I am almost my I've been experiencing a persistent headache for more than a month now. I've significantly reduced my Tension Headaches. I’ve gone to the er twice this week! First time it wasn’t cause of headache was more cause of my anxiety. aaronmgreen. I've had a headache everyday (24/7) since April 19th 2022, its been 83 days today and I'm losing my mind. i'm a 17 year old female. Is PCOS likely the cause of this? Drinking water, eating bone broth soup, avoiding sugar and junk food. A community of headache disease sufferers. It would be a tightness or tension feeling in my neck, right below the skull. A few days later I started getting a headache, mostly on my left temple and around my eye became swollen. Hello, You can try taking 400mg of B2 vitamin (Riboflavin) a day. He's not light or sound sensitive. And they cause at least one of the following: Nausea, vomiting or both. Another option is to take 24hr-Sudafed each morning and 24hr-Allegra each night. Also known as neuropathic corneal pain, neuropathic ocular pain, corneal neuralgia, keratoneuralgia. Ok, things that might have played a role triggering the headache: 1st of June I did a cortisone injection to treat a shoulder and finger injury (both from climbing). Tension headaches will relieve when neck and head tension is fixed. Second shot only got super sleepy for days. Dealing with other problems now but the headaches are almost gone. Yes, they are migraines. I had a headache afterwards which is normal for a day, but it’s been a month and I’ve had a dull 2/10 pain on the back of my head nearly at all times. And lasts until I go to sleep. I came back to the US and it went away for a bit, but as soon as I moved back to college the all-day headache continued. Headache for months after concussion. Tension-type headache for 1-2 weeks now. The headache then went from the front of my head to the back somehow. Let go after two seconds and put your head back in a neutral position, repeat 2 times. Hot tubs, hot showers, and sauna help me. He put me on three medications that stopped the intense pain. I wanted to share my story as I thought some of you might be interested in my symptoms, you might also have a similar Dec 3, 2022 · The first month of emgality was beautiful and didn’t have a single headache. Don't let people convince you that they're not because of the constant low level pain. 25(F) I had a concussion 6m ago. Hey, I'm 18 M (like 170lb and 6'4 if that's relevant). Tension headaches for a month now. What does that mean hormone wise? I know it doesn't feel like great news, but the FDA just started taking headaches/migraines seriously so we have way more options to tackle the symptom if you can't find or don't have a root cause. Take 200mg in the morning and 200mg in the evening. The twitch had also started spreading to other places on my face, but in less intensity, like on my other eye and my lips. My doctor told me to relieve them, tilt your head as far left as you can, place your left hand on the right of your head, gently try to bring your head up to a neutral position, this activates the muscles. Help. Hard on stomach and short on effect. Or maybe finding a clinic that specializes in concussions. Guys I really do not know what is going on here. I drink 2 litres almost of water a day. I get ice pick headaches Bad days, where it will limit what I do, are 1-2 days a month. Whether migraines, cluster headaches, or whatever head pain you experience. r/migraine. 3. Get the “D” version of Allegra and it will go away. Not physically exerting myself. Eventually that went away after a week or so. Some with Covid longhaul are struggling more than a year after infection; and those with vaccine symptoms seem to get better after 2-4 months When the headaches first started, it was painful but not unbearable, probably 6/10. So my doctor put me on a migraine medication called Relpax (eletriptan). Cause moderate to severe pain. Everything was normal. o female with headache for few months. Yes, I've had tension headaches every day since I was a toddler. I went to the doctor after two weeks she called it a sinus infection so I took the antibiotics. The depression pro-drome is so real. Eye twitching finally gone after 2 1/2 months. sometimes it is a 8/10 and sometimes only a 1/10, but never 0/10. But I feel the doctor is bulshitting. But it's weirdly consistent. One of the more common side effects of IVIG is migraine headaches, and I would indeed get one of those headaches that lasted a week every time I got the infusions. yep, definitely felt headaches far more often when I had quit any THC. It’s inbetween my eyes and sometimes awful and sometimes manageable with no warning or trigger to how or why. I have not had one second without it. I also still take topamax as a daily preventive. People have reported even 120 Hz may cause headaches though less severe, 144 Hz seems to work for almost everyone. Fever ranges from 99 - 103. I work in a hazardous environment. I took flonase for 3 days and it helped my allergies a lot. The headache on the back left came back ten days If you're getting 8+ headaches per month, it's a good idea to talk to a neurologist about trying a preventative treatment. upvotes ·comments. single. I have gotten a headache everyday for the past two years EXCEPT for a two month stint in January-February of this year and it is driving me CRAZY trying to replicate it. The headache started around a week after that. I drink a morning coffee then tea after that. It all started about a month ago when I went to relax after work and when I stood up from laying down I got the absolute worst headache of my life, pounding, throbbing, the whole nine yards. You can also try low power/night modes/turning down brightness. Constant headache for almost a month, hospitals not helping This is for my mother inlaw 52F, 5,9 The headaches are severe to the point she cant stand up, and cant turn her neck. Have a pulsating, throbbing sensation. Started to feel vertigo the week after. I was also experiencing approximately 25 headache days per month. Never had migraines in my life. Hi all, Browsing here for the first time and my heart goes out to many of you all experiencing versions of what I am now. Chronic migraines tend to: Affect one side or both sides of your head. The combo of the 2 seemed to make me functional and able to get back to living instead of surviving each day. Hi! I had an eye twitch for 2 1/2 months that wouldn't go away and that was actually getting worst week after week. I'd also consider the possibility of having unresolved trauma. day. It's primarily located to the right of my right eye, and I also feel pressure around the nose area. I NEED help in finding relief. My diet is decent (I do have a sweet tooth, though not daily), I only drink casually on weekends (2-3 drinks), and am active (I run about 90-120km per month). Doctor put me on nortriptyline a bit over a month ago which might be marginally heping but hard to say. My finger injury is a chronic complicated one. I’m actually lucky and don’t get full on migraines ALL that often - or at least, if I do; they’re much more subtle than my bad ones. Apr 9, 2019 · Chronic migraine. I had four treatments almost 6 years ago and I’m down to approx 5/6 headache days per month. The "normal" headaches I experience are a constant pain that never leaves. No over counter meds besides excedrin works and the excedrin sometimes doesn’t even help. Reply reply. I’ve been having tension headaches in my temples almost daily for over a month now lasting hours at a time, sometimes for a day. In the last month or so, I've been getting a localized headache around my right eyebrow - perhaps just above it and near the bridge of the nose, sometimes near the eye . I alternate with Advil since it is an anti inflammatory! & mines the same way. 35 y. I’d say 100-100. After that the headaches went away completely until the middle of May (~3 months). My first week of symptoms included an ice pick headache on my left side of my head. fe zb ui hr dk bk zq pw oq bt